Rakesh BudarapuHow to create Microsoft Azure Face Recognition Service?In this tutorial, I’ll walk you, step by step, through the process of creating and configuration of a new Microsoft Azure Face...
Rakesh Budarapuधीर - PatienceSometimes, in our relationships, we become defensive, irritated, and say something to hurt other's feelings. We do not realize the...
Rakesh BudarapuHow to Create up a New Microsoft Azure Account?Microsoft Azure is a secure, flexible, and high-performance cloud platform integrating multiple tools and managed services. It provides a...
Rakesh BudarapuWhat is Application Integration?What are the actual benefits of Application Integration for different businesses?
Rakesh BudarapuBeginners' Guide to Painting - Lesson 02: Guide to Art Paper, Canvas, and PanelsI hope you found “Beginners guide to painting - Lesson 01” interesting. If you have not read it yet, here is the link:...